Pamela Dubessy
Director of one of the ORPEA Group's residences in France
I started my career at ORPEA 20 years ago, as a qualified Nursing assistant in a retirement home. I then chose to continue my nursing studies and I first practiced in a follow-up care and rehabilitation clinic, then as a private practitioner. After several years of practice I decided to continue my studies to obtain a Master 2 in management at EMLYON. Diploma in hand, I returned to the ORPEA Group in 2019 to take on the position of Care Manager of a mental health clinic Clinea. I am now entering a new stage in my professional career by taking over the management of a Group retirement home, the same one where I started as a care assistant 20 years ago!
My various experiences as a carer have enabled me to acquire a global and transversal expertise in the health and social field.
As for the personal development training modules that I have been able to follow at EMLYON and in the NLP coaching training, they have led me to a real personal introspection, which has helped me to know myself better, to gain confidence and thus to be in tune with myself and my professional choices.
Being a woman in your profession, advantage or disadvantage?
Neither one nor the other, I am in favor of professional equality between men and women. Nevertheless I think that a woman is endowed with a more developed emotional intelligence, in terms of empathy, benevolence and listening, which is necessary to gain confidence and federate a team around common projects.
Don’t give up, remain determined, everything is possible, you have to believe in it and believe in yourself!
What are your personal commitments in terms of women’s rights?
I am in favor of equal pay for men and women and equal access to positions of responsibility.
What advice would you give to women to build their career paths?
Don’t give up, remain determined, everything is possible, you have to believe in it and believe in yourself!
How do you see the evolution of society in terms of women’s rights?
Society evolves and that’s good, but it evolves extremely slowly I think. There are still so many things to be done to get ourselves recognized.
There are also still strong inequalities in some countries. The cultural dimension remains a brake on the evolution of women’s rights.
What are your dreams of tomorrow’s world for little girls?
I think of my three daughters… I keep telling them that to do what you want in life, to be recognized, you have to work hard, to look for internal resources to be able to realize your dreams!